How to install a 12v fan modification!

OK. I had a extra 12v fan laying around that came from a a PC, and well here I am, writing a short tutorial on how to install it on the motherboard of a Xbox 360.


  1. A 12v fan, two wire (negative and positive)
  2. A solder iron
  3. Some rosin core solder.

OK. now if you have the requirements lets us begin 🙂

Step 1: Take the negative(black) and solder it too the metal cagin around the point EG2G1(elite motherboard location btw). This metal cage acts as the ground to complete the overall process of installing the fan and being able to run it

2nd step: Now take the postive(red) and solder it too too the 12v power supply next to the big 3 and closet point R3G4, make sure it’s on the metal hinge.

After that the fan will have a 12v power supply on the motherboard and a nice ground spot for it to complete the circuit.

Please note: This tutorial on how to install a 12v fan modification, is and should be for people only with a JTAG xbox 360. using this supply and soldering bad can cause RLOD. I can not  be held responsible if this random event occurs

here is a finish product, a picture of it in motion (you can tell it is) Have fun doing this modifacation to your console and careful things happen. BYE


One response

  1. Sorry, but did you solder that with a fucken blowtorch or something?

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